The Melodrama Die may be introduced to any role-playing game to heighten the melodrama of any scene—or every scene—at the GM's discretion. If the GM wishes, there could be a standing rule that any player can voluntarily roll the Melodrama Die along with a standard roll whenever desired. Chances are the Melodrama Die will render any common success or failure a complete or even legendary victory or defeat. The Melodrama Die is independent of whatever resolution system is used, but it affects two out of three results when used. Roll for extreme melodrama!
Warning: May not be suitable for all role-playing situations.
Melodrama Die Results
Roll 1D6
1. Catastrophic Loss*2. Shocking Failure**
3. So Close Yet So Far
4. Barely Sufficient
5. Startling Success**
6. Resounding Triumph*
* Has the power to double a complementary result or reverse a contrary result.
** Has the power to maximize a complementary result.