21 March 2025

Flash Gordon for D6?

Some time ago (2017), I mentioned I would like to see a Flash Gordon role-playing game along the lines of Prince Valiant. Mind you, I already own The Savage World of Flash Gordon for Savage Worlds (and I will run it someday), but I can't help wanting to find the perfect system for Flash Gordon and other swashbuckling space operas.

What am I contemplating now? I'm contemplating "Flash Gordon D6" (or "D6 Flash Gordon"?) via the forthcoming D6 System: Second Edition from Gallant Knight Games. It worked for the West End Games Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game, so why not try it with the science fiction serial that inspired Star Wars? I think I would enjoy running the same group of players through both a D6 2e Flash Gordon adventure and a Savage World of Flash Gordon adventure to see what they (and I) think. What do you think?

19 February 2025

What They Do in the Meantime

In an overview of three games Richard Woolcock ran recently (in his blog, Zadmar's Savage Stuff), there is a useful hint for anyone running almost any role-playing game (emphasis mine):

Another weakness of my games in the past is that they often felt like they ended abruptly. A friend of mine had a great solution to this when he ran Sundered Skies several years ago, where at the end of the campaign he asked each of us to describe what our characters got up to after the conclusion of the story, and we each had the chance to wrap up our character's storylines. I've attempted to do the same thing since then (although I sometimes forget), but it worked really well in this case, as I always gave the players the "final word" at the end of the adventure, letting them describe the ending.

The player characters are the protagonists of the adventure. It only makes sense to let them describe what they doing at its conclusion. Not only does it give the players a sense of ownership over their own experiences, but it can also lead to a greater feeling of connection with the setting and sow the seeds of future adventures. This is something I will be adopting in my own game-mastering, although I'll probably need to write myself a note and stick it on my GM screen until it becomes a habit.

[This article is cross-posted here in Creative Reckoning.]

30 October 2024

Six-Sided Halloween Suggestion 2024

What is the best game for Halloween utilizing six-sided dice? Arguably, it is Zombie Dice from Steve Jackson Games. Since I have started recording my game plays on BoardGameGeek.com, I have played more games of Zombie Dice than any other game of any kind. It's easy; it's quick; it has custom six-sided dice depicting Brains, Footprints, and Shotgun Blasts; and it's a perfect light game for Halloween.

And that, my friends, is this year's Six-Sided Halloween Suggestion!

Learn more about Zombie Dice here.

02 August 2024

News at 6-Sided: D6 System: Second Edition on Kickstarter

The crowdfunding project for D6 System: Second Edition is, in fact, live on Kickstarter at this moment. Gallant Knight Games provided a glimpse of the long-awaited second edition with the publication of Zorro: The Roleplaying Game. This, I predict, will be one of the greatest universal role-playing systems yet.

The D6 System: Second Edition Kickstarter project ends 15 August 2024.

31 July 2024

News at 6-Sided: D6 System: Second Edition Coming Soon

Gallant Knight Games has announced that a Kickstarter project will be launched soon for D6 System: Second Edition, the rules of which were previewed in Zorro: The Roleplaying Game. This will be a modular core rule book with three choices of cover art. Learn more in "D6 System: Second Edition!"

08 May 2024

Reminder to Self Regarding Broken Compass and Outgunned

I am leaving this note here because I have too many physical notes scattered about and I am worried that if I write another one I'll misplace it and fail to do any of the following, which is:

  • Figure out the difference between Broken Compass and Outgunned.
  • Find out if either are available outside of backing their crowdfunding projects, i.e. are they in any stores, physical or online?
  • Find out if anyone outside of playtest groups actually plays these games and, if so, what do they think?
  • Assess the odds of the task resolution rules. Do they feel right in play? Are they satisfying?
  • Decide whether to back Outgunned Adventure, the "pulp" supplement.

Does anyone reading this have any opinions or insights?

[Edit: I don't think I'll bother with this game. As far as I can tell, they are crowdfunding Outgunned Adventure when they haven't even fulfilled the orders for Outgunned yet. This does not inspire confidence. The fact that their quickplay rules are neither well-written nor well-proofread gives me further pause. Besides, I am more interested in exploring the subject matter of a genre rather than the conventions of a genre as it is portrayed in a single medium (in this case, film), and Outgunned is clearly an attempt to adapt the latter. The novelty is not worth the price or the wait. 2024-05-24]

24 April 2024

The Ghost Busters via Ghostbusters: Ghosts

Here are the ghosts of The Ghost Busters as they appear in order of original air date. They have been adapted for The Ghost Busters: A Clever, Courageous, and Strong Role-Playing Game (That Is Completely Unofficial), which is based on Ghostbusters: A Frightfully Cheerful Roleplaying Game.


The mansion or castle from The Ghost Busters (1975).

Big Al Caesar

Power 3
Ectopresence 2
Special Abilities: Materialize, Teleport
Goal: To steal the Maltese Monkey.

Appearance: Episode 1, "The Maltese Monkey" (6 September 1975)

Dr. Frankenstein

Power 4
Ectopresence 4
Special Abilities: Materialize, Teleport, Materialize Object
Goal: To transplant the brain of the world's most gullible fool into the body of his Monster.

Appearance: Episode 2, "Dr. Whathisname" (13 September 1975)

The Monster

Power 2
Ectopresence 5
Special Abilities: Materialize
Goal: To obey Dr. Frankenstein.

Appearance: Episode 2, "Dr. Whathisname" (13 September 1975)

Sir Simon de Canterville

Power 3
Ectopresence 6
Special Abilities: Materialize, Teleport, Immune to the Ghost De-Materializer
Goal: To break his curse of haunting the family castle until he does a brave deed.

Appearance: Episode 3, "The Canterville Ghost" (20 September 1975)

Harry Albert, Werewolf

Power 2
Ectopresence 4
Special Abilities: Materialize, Transform into Werewolf
Goal: To be cured of lycanthropy.

Appearance: Episode 4, "Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf?" (27 September 1975)


Power 3
Ectopresence 3
Special Abilities: Materialize, Teleport, Use Crystal Ball
Goal: To cure Harry Albert of lycanthropy.

Appearance: Episode 4, "Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf?" (27 September 1975)

Captain Aloysius Beane

Power 5
Ectopresence 3
Special Abilities: Materialize, Teleport, Materialize Object
Goal: To recruit a crew for his ship, the Flying Dutchman.

Appearance: Episode 5, "The Flying Dutchman" (4 October 1975)


Power 4
Ectopresence 2
Special Abilities: Materialize, Teleport, Materialize Object
Goal: To obey his captain.

Appearance: Episode 5, "The Flying Dutchman" (4 October 1975)

The Phantom of Vaudeville (with Elmo)

Power 3
Ectopresence 7
Special Abilities: Materialize, Teleport, Immune to the Ghost De-Materializer
Special Vulnerability: Can only be sent back to the Great Beyond by being unmasked.
Goal: To settle a score with rival vaudevillians Slapsy, Maxie, and Nijinsky

Appearance: Episode 6, "The Dummy's Revenge" (11 October 1975)

Queen Forah of the Nile

Power 5
Ectopresence 4
Special Abilities: Materialize, Teleport, Materialize Object, Use Sun Disk
Goal: To find the sorcerer Simios who can lead her to Spen-Zah, keeper of the secret of immortality.

Appearance: Episode 7, "A Worthless Gauze" (18 October 1975)

The Mummy

Power 2
Ectopresence 5
Special Abilities: Materialize, Materialize Object, Mummy's Touch (physical contact causes instant mummification)
Goal: To obey Queen Forah.

Appearance: Episode 7, "A Worthless Gauze" (18 October 1975)

The Witch of Salem

Power 5
Ectopresence 5
Special Abilities: Materialize, Teleport, Materialize Object, Transform, Illusory Disguise, Control Mind, Concoct Potion, Use Crystal Ball
Goal: To have revenge on the descendant of Edward Spencer, Spell-Dissolver of Salem.

Appearance: Episode 8, "Which Witch Is Which?" (25 October 1975)


Power 1
Ectopresence 1
Special Abilities: Materialize
Goal: To obey the Witch of Salem.

Appearance: Episode 8, "Which Witch Is Which?" (25 October 1975)

Billy the Kid

Power 3
Ectopresence 1
Special Abilities: Materialize, Teleport, Materialize Object
Goal: To round up a gang and rustle cattle so they can get victuals.

Appearance: Episode 9, "They Went Thataway" (1 November 1975)

Belle Starr

Power 3
Ectopresence 1
Special Abilities: Materialize, Teleport, Materialize Object
Goal: To round up a gang and rustle cattle so they can get victuals.

Appearance: Episode 9, "They Went Thataway" (1 November 1975)


Power 2
Ectopresence 3
Special Abilities: Materialize, Teleport, Transform into a Bat, Classic Vampirism
Goal: To find "donors."

Appearance: Episode 10, "The Vampire's Apprentice" (8 November 1975)


Power 3
Ectopresence 4
Special Abilities: Materialize, Teleport, Transform into a Bat, Classic Vampirism
Goal: To find "donors."

Appearance: Episode 10, "The Vampire's Apprentice" (8 November 1975)

Dr. Jekyll

Power 4
Ectopresence 3
Special Abilities: Materialize, Teleport, Materialize Object, Concoct Potion
Goal: To find an ingredient that will eliminate Mr. Hyde.

Appearance: Episode 11, "Jekyll & Hyde: Together, for the First Time!" (15 November 1975)

Mr. Hyde

Power 3
Ectopresence 2
Special Abilities: Materialize, Teleport, Materialize Object
Goal: To annoy Dr Jekyll.

Appearance: Episode 11, "Jekyll & Hyde: Together, for the First Time!" (15 November 1975)

The Red Baron

Power 3
Ectopresence 1
Special Abilities: Materialize, Teleport, Materialize Object
Goal: To have revenge against his old enemies.

Appearance: Episode 12, "Only Ghosts Have Wings" (22 November 1975)


Power 3
Ectopresence 1
Special Abilities: Materialize, Teleport, Materialize Object
Goal: To assist the Red Baron.

Appearance: Episode 12, "Only Ghosts Have Wings" (22 November 1975)

Eric the Red

Power 3
Ectopresence 2
Special Abilities: Materialize, Teleport, Materialize Object
Goal: To find the banner that proves the Vikings discovered the New World and plant it before Lothar the Hun can dispute their claim.

Appearance: Episode 13, "The Vikings Have Landed" (29 November 1975)


Power 3
Ectopresence 2
Special Abilities: Materialize, Teleport, Materialize Object
Goal: To find the banner that proves the Vikings discovered the New World and plant it before Lothar the Hun can dispute their claim.

Appearance: Episode 13, "The Vikings Have Landed" (29 November 1975)

Merlin the Magician

Power 2
Ectopresence 5
Special Abilities: Materialize, Teleport, Materialize Object, Dematerialize Object Goal: To find the trick that will enable him and Gronk to return to the Great Beyond.

Appearance: Episode 14, "Merlin, the Magician" (6 December 1975)


Power 1
Ectopresence 1
Special Abilities: Materialize
Goal: To obey Merlin.

Appearance: Episode 14, "Merlin, the Magician" (6 December 1975)

Morgan le Fay

Power 6
Ectopresence 5
Special Abilities: Materialize, Teleport, Teleport Involuntary Subject, Materialize Object, Dematerialize Object, Use Crystal Ball, Create Smoke
Goal: To trap Merlin and Gronk on Earth.

Appearance: Episode 14, "Merlin, the Magician" (6 December 1975)

Dr. Centigrade

Power 4
Ectopresence 2
Special Abilities: Materialize, Teleport, Materialize Object
Goal: To transplant a warm heart into the body of the Abominable Snowman.

Appearance: Episode 15, "The Abominable Snowman" (13 December 1975)

The Abominable Snowman

Power 3
Ectopresence 3
Special Abilities: Materialize, Teleport, Materialize Object, Freezing Touch
Goal: Unknown.

Appearance: Episode 15, "The Abominable Snowman" (13 December 1975)

18 April 2024

The Ghost Busters via Ghostbusters: Doorways to the Great Beyond

In The Ghost Busters, the ghosts always enter the world of the living via a local cemetery. In addition, in the episode, "Dr. Whatshisname," Dr. Frankenstein explains to the Monster as they Teleport from the abandoned castle on Batwing Lane to the cemetery, "It is a bother to have to keep coming back here in order to materialize my laboratory equipment, but this is the Doorway to the Great Beyond." From these two facts, we can formulate the following rules for The Ghost Busters: A Clever, Courageous, and Strong Role-Playing Game (That Is Completely Unofficial):

Doorways to the Great Beyond

When ghosts enter the world of the living, whether by willing Teleportation or by being summoned, they must enter through a Doorway to the Great Beyond. Such Doorways are typically located in cemeteries or other sites of concentrated paranormal activity.

Certain ghosts have the special ability to Materialize Objects (usually to continue their work toward their Goal), but excessive use depletes a ghost's Ectopresence. In order to replenish their Ectopresence, they must return to a Doorway to the Great Beyond and tap into its psychokinetic energy reserves. Any materialized objects disappear when the ghosts who manifested them return to the Great Beyond or are otherwise banished, sent back, or trapped.

15 April 2024

The Ghost Busters via Ghostbusters: Ghost-Busting

If, in an alternate universe, The Ghost Busters television show were adapted into a role-playing game similar to Ghostbusters: A Frightfully Cheerful Roleplaying Game, perhaps entitled The Ghost Busters: A Clever, Courageous, and Strong Role-Playing Game (That Is Completely Unofficial), the rules pertaining to ghosts and the busting thereof might look something like this...

Without exception, the ghosts that appear in The Ghost Busters are corporeal, having bodies that occupy physical space. They are opaque, they can touch and be touched, and they have the limitations of movement their former physical bodies had in life—they walk, use doors, and can even trip. The one ghostly Special Ability most or all of them share is Teleportation. Every ghost that appears singly (or the more powerful ghost in a duo) can Teleport itself and a ghostly companion using its Power. Short range Teleportation (line-of-sight or in the general vicinity) is a difficulty of 5. Medium range Teleportation (anywhere outside the general vicinity) is a difficulty of 10. Long range Teleportation (to and from the Great Beyond, perhaps) is a difficulty of 15 or 20. Sometimes ghosts appear of their own will; sometimes they are summoned by mortals. Regardless of the means of their manifestation, most ghosts try to avoid being sent back.

The primary tool in a Ghost Buster's Ghost Kit for dealing with supernatural entities is the Ghost De-Materializer. Looking something like a camera with an antenna and two handles jutting out horizontally on opposite sides, it can be aimed in the approximate direction of a ghost and activated, which causes the ghost to de-materialize from our natural world and re-materialize in the Spirit World, the Great Beyond, or wherever else it is supposed to spend its afterlife. In game terms, the Ghost Buster would use the Moves Trait or the Aim Ghost De-Materializer Talent once a ghost is cornered. The difficulty is the same as for ranged weapons: 5 for point-blank, 10 for normal, and 20 for long distance. If the Ghost Buster beats the difficulty, one ghost is instantly de-materialized. If the Ghost Buster rolls twice the difficulty or more, two ghosts are instantly de-materialized. If the Ghost Buster rolls three times the difficulty or more, three ghosts are instantly de-materialized. And so on. As you can see, the Ghost De-Materializer is a powerful weapon, but it is completely useless against certain ghosts that require unique methods to banish them. (Whether these de-materializerproof ghosts would be vulnerable to a proton pack is left to the Ghostbusters' experimentation and the Ghostmaster's discretion.)

Tracy the Gorilla, Kong (with Ghost De-Materializer), and Spencer in The Ghost Busters (1975).