04 May 2015

Questionnaire for Starting Ghostbusters

This is a questionnaire I hand out to players as they are creating their Ghostbusters characters (inspired by a similar question-and-answer exchange from the Nerdyshow podcasts). Once the process is finished, I address each player in turn as if I were a representative of Ghostbusters International, reassure them that this is merely a formality, and ask them the survey questions, which they answer in character. This enables the players to introduce their characters to the group in a more natural manner and proceed directly to the adventure. Remember, there are no wrong answers, and there are no stupid questions. The reverse, however, may be another story.

[Edit: The questionnaire has been revised.]

Ghostbusters Survey Questionnaire

  1. Do you believe in ghosts? (Check one.)
    • Yes.
    • No.
    • Unsure.
  2. Tell us about yourself:
  3. Why do you want to be a Ghostbuster?
For those who want the "official" form, the Ghostbusters Survey Questionnaire PDF is available to download, print, and distribute to players for free.

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